Hit befel in the dayes of Vther Pendragon, when he was Kynge of all Englond and so regned, that there was a myghty duke in Cornewaill that helde warre ageynest hym long tyme, and the duke was called the Duke of Tyntagil. And so by meanes Kynge Vther send for this duk, chargyng hym to brynge his wyf with hym, for she was called a fair lady and a passyng wyse, and her name was called Igrayne.
- Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte Darthur (1485)
- Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte Darthur (1485)
I. The Darkest Hour
On a dark winter's night, the Queen of Britain tells a sorcerer of the wrongs she has suffered at the hands of a man. The woes of Ygraine will determine the lives of her descendants.
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II. Sunrise