Sunday, 28 August 2011

Gawain Project: short hiatus

No comic yesterday?

That's because I'm taking a (short) holiday off the comic. I'm busy with work and life at the moment and I feel like I have to churn out new pages inbetween without being able to think them through. So I have decided to take some time off to think about the next few scenes and prepare them at my ease.

I'm not sure how long I'll need - two weeks? three weeks? Not very long, in any case. Trust me, I need to tell this story just as much as I need to breathe, so I'm going to continue telling it. I just need to give it some space because I have temporarily lost my 'oomph'. Just catching my breath here.

Please come back. I promise I'll come back too, with fights, romance, sorceresses and a legendary king :).

Thank you for your patience.


Saturday, 20 August 2011

Gawain Project: Sunrise, Chapter 1: Brothers & Sisters 79-81

What went before
Morgana has been hoping that Conchobarre, a former fianna and now a nun in Morgana's convent, would be willing to take charge of Gawain's combat training. But Conchobarre refuses to do anything that might benefit to King Lot. As a young woman, she was pushed aside to make room for her younger brother, and the fact that Lot has removed his eldest child, a daughter, hits close to home. What now?

Next week: Of sons, cows and Saxons.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Gawain Project: a small break...

Life and work interfered too much this past week. No comic today, I'm afraid... But next week you'll meet someone special :).

For today, have my finalised character design for little Gawain.

Check in next Saturday for the continuation of the story!

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Gawain Project: Sunrise, Chapter 1: Brothers & Sisters 76-78

What went before
Lot and Morgana have plans with Gawain, but none of them will bear fruit unless the boy becomes a decent warrior. Because his current training seems to lead nowhere, Morgana brings in an expert: Conchobarre, a former war leader who has taken the veil. But Conchobarre flatly refuses to become Gawain's tutor. Why? Well, this week she reveals her reasons...

Next week: The fall-out.