Sunday, 2 January 2011


Sometimes I think that watercolours and I can be great friends. Like now. I'm beginning to know what I am doing with these paints, and I am surprised at the amount of control I turned out to have this time round. I think I'm also getting better at distinguishing between the colours things have and the colours they need to have in order to look good. So this painting of Florie has been great fun for me and I'm happy with the result. The lesson to learn (as if I didn't know it already) is that I should just paint as often as possible. All in all, I have painted 11 pictures this week, and I notice the effects. The happy result is that I am getting less scared of doing the comic in watercolour. I'm not looking for "great art" - just something that looks adequate and pretty and less likeliness for me to ruin a page of line art. 

So let's see what I can do in the new year :).


Teressa said...

Hey, I came here through your drawing of Dame Ragnelle and Sir Gawain. I am writing my bachelor thesis on "The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle", and I was pleased to find your take on that particular scene :).

I am still looking for a fitting image for my title page and I was wondering if I would be out of line to ask you if I could put your picture on it? You will be credited of course.

ampersand said...

Hee! I'm flattered :). If you credit me, you can use the image. I have made a print-quality file temporarily available here in case you want one - just click "Download image" on the right.

Teressa said...

Thank you ever so much! I have downloaded the file.

I heard yesterday that I have definatly passed and that I will in fact graduate this month (I am so happy). Now I am making the last little adjustments for the final evaluation next week.

Thank you again for letting me put your picture on the cover. You're getting a special mention.

Would you like me to send you the finished product? (although I wonder if it would be interesting to read for anyone but me and my Philology-loving tutor:))

ampersand said...

Well, I'm an academic myself and I seriously considered writing my thesis about an Arthurian topic, so I'm definitely interested in reading what you have to say about my favourite knight :D.

Congratulations on your graduation! :hugs: